
Configuring ModelsΒΆ

In Flatland, a model is a collection of bodies, and it can be used to represent any physical things. An example of a model file for a turtlebot (not exactly) is shown here. Examples can be found in flatland_server/tests.

# required, list of bodies of the model, must have at least one body

    # required, name of the body, must be unique within the model
  - name: base_link

    # optional, default true. If false (see yaml preprocessor for details), this body is skipped
    enabled: true

    # optional, defaults to [0, 0, 0], in the form of [x, y, theta] w.r.t the
    # model pose specified in world yaml. Pose is simply the initial pose
    # of the body, it does not add additional constrains in any way
    pose: [0, 0, 0]

    # optional, default to dynamic, must be one of dynamic, static, kinematic,
    # these are consistent with Box2D's body types
    type: dynamic

    # optional, default to [1 ,1, 1, 0.5], in the form of [r, g, b, alpha],
    # for visualization
    color: [1, 1, 1, 0.5]

    # optional, defaults to 0.0, specifies the Box2D body linear damping
    linear_damping: 0

    # optional, defaults to 0.0, specifies the Box2D body angular damping
    angular_damping: 0

    # required, list of footprints for the body, you can have any number of
    # footprints

        # required, type of footprint, valid options are circle and polygon
      - type: circle

        # required, radius of the circle footprint, only used for circle type
        radius: 0.5

        # optional, defaults to [0, 0], in the form of [x, y] w.r.t the origin
        # of the body, only used for circle type
        center: [0.0, 0.0]

        # optional, defaults to ["all"], a list of layers specifying which
        # layer the footprint belongs to, collisions/contacts only occurs
        # between objects in the same layer, used for all footprint types
        layers: ["all"]

        # optional, defaults to true
        # If set to "false" entirely disables collision with this object
        # Does not disable interactions like the laser scan plugin.
        collision: true

        # required, the density of footprint in kg/m^2 in Box2D, used for all
        # footprint types
        density: 1

        # optional, default to 0.0, specifies Box2D fixture friction, used for
        # all footprint types
        friction: 0

        # optional, default to 0.0, specifies Box2D fixture restitution, used
        # for all footprint types
        restitution: 0

        # optional, default to false, whether to set as Box2D sensor, sensor
        # detects collisions/contacts but does not have responses, used for
        # all footprint types
        sensor: false

  # body for the rear wheel
  - name: rear_wheel

        # an example for polygon type
      - type: polygon

        # required, vertices for polygon, 3 <= length <= 8 (limited by Box2D),
        # in the form of [x, y] coordinates w.r.t body origin, only used for
        # polygon type
        points: [[-0.05, -0.05], [-0.05, 0.05], [0.05, 0.05], [0.05, -0.05]]
        density: 1

  # body for left wheel
  - name: left_wheel
      - type: polygon
        points: [[-.125, -0.05], [-.125, 0.05], [.125, 0.05], [.125, -0.05]]
        density: 1

  # body for right wheel, notice how left wheel and right wheel are the same
  # they will be spawned in the same location with pose [0, 0, 0] by default,
  # joints need to be used to snap them in place
  - name: right_wheel
      - type: polygon
        points: [[-.125, -0.05], [-.125, 0.05], [.125, 0.05], [.125, -0.05]]
        density: 1

# optional, list of model joints

    # required, type of the joint, available options are revolute or weld,
    # corresponds to Box2D joint types, applies to all joint types
  - type: revolute

    # required, name of the joint, unique within the body, applies to all
    # joint types
    name: rear_wheel_revolute

    # optional, default true. If false (see yaml preprocessor for details), this joint is skipped
    enabled: true

    # optional, default to false, specifies whether two bodies connected a
    # this joint should collide with each other, applies to all joint types
    collide_connected: false

    # optional, in the format of [lower limit, upper limit], if specified
    # confines the rotation of the joint within the limits, or it is free to
    # rotate 360 degrees otherwise, applies only to revolute joints
    limits: [0, 0]

    # required, specifies the anchor point on each body, applies to all joint
    # types

        # required, name of a body from this body
      - name: rear_wheel

        # required, an anchor point w.r.t. the origin of the body
        anchor: [0, 0]

        # required, name of another body in the model
      - name: base_link

        # required, an anchor point w.r.t. the origin of the body
        anchor: [-0.83, -0.29]

    # now specifying a weld joint, note that weld joint is not 100% fixed due
    # to how the physics is numerically solved, i.e. if an infinite force is
    # applied to immoveable object or a high impact collision, then the joint
    # will deform. Maximum rigidity can be achieved by setting zero to frequency
    # and damping, and increase velocity and position iterations in world
    # properties. For 100% zero deformation, use a single body with multiple
    # fixtures
  - type: weld
    name: left_wheel_weld

    # optional, defaults to 0, specifies the angle of the weld, applies only
    # to revolute joints
    angle: 0

    # optional, defaults to 0, specifies the frequency of the weld joint in
    # Box2D, unit is in Hz, applies only to weld joints
    frequency: 0

    # optional, defaults to 0, specifies the damping ratio of the weld joint
    # in Box2D, applies only to weld joints
    damping: 0
      - name: left_wheel
        anchor: [0, 0]
      - name: base_link
        anchor: [-0.83, -0.29]

  - type: weld
    name: right_wheel_weld
      - name: left_wheel
        anchor: [0, 0]
      - name: base_link
        anchor: [-0.83, -0.29]

# optional, list of plugins for the model

    # required, type of the plugin to load. Note the plugin must be configured
    # property to be discovered. See the Writing Model Plugins page
  - type: Laser

    # optional, default true. If false (see yaml preprocessor for details), this plugin is skipped
    enabled: true

    # required, name of the plugin to load, must be unique in a model
    name: kinect

    # the rest of the parameters are extracted by the corresponding model plugins
    body: base_link
    range: 20
    angle: {min: -2.356194490192345, max: 2.356194490192345, increment: 0.004363323129985824}
    noise_std_dev: 0.01
    update_rate: 10

  - type: DiffDrive
    name: turtlebot_drive
    body: base_link