
Yaml Preprocessor

Flatland Server has a lua preprocessor for YAML with simple bindings for the environment variables and rosparam. The intent is to be able to build parametric models that are defined by dimensions and flags found in either environment variables or rosparam, in a similar way to xacro+urdf. Because this is parsed at model load time, any roslaunch rosparam loading will have completed and those parameters will be available.

Including additional YAML files

The YAML preprocessor allows for including of other YAML files using the $include keyword. When this string is encountered, the following filename is parsed as a YAML file and substituted for the $include-string. The file path bay be absolute or relative. Relative file paths are relative to the YAML file currently being processed.

# project/param/parent.yaml
foo: 123
bar: $include child.yaml # Looks in current directory (project/param/) for relative filenames
baz: $include /absolute/path/to/project/param/child.yaml # or an absolute path can be specified

# project/param/child.yaml
a: 1
b: 2

# result of YAML preprocessing parent.yaml:
foo: 123
  a: 1
  b: 2
  a: 1
  b: 2

There is also a special form of $include, $[include], that can be used to populate a sequence with an arbitrary number of items. Each individual document in the specified YAML file (separated by as is standard for multi-document YAML files) becomes its own element in the sequence. For example:

# parent.yaml
  - first
  - $[include] child.yaml
  - last

a: foo
b: baz

# result of YAML preprocessing of parent.yaml:
  - first
  - one
  - a: foo
    b: baz
  - three
  - last

body/joint/plugin enabled flag

Model bodies, plugins and joints now have a new flag enabled which can be set to true or false either directly in the yaml, or based on more complex logic from a lua $eval string that returns “true” or “false”. Disabled bodies, plugins and joints are skipped during yaml loading, and as a result are never instantiated. From Flatland’s perspective enabled: false causes the affected body/plugin/joint to be deleted.

bindings for env and param

Additional lua function bindings (beyond the normal standard libraries such as string, math, etc.):

-- returns an environment variable, blank string + warning if not found
-- returns an environment variable, Default if not found
env(EnvName, Default)
-- returns a rosparam, blank string + warning if not found
-- returns a rosparam, Default if not found
param(ParamPath, Default)

Sample expressions

foo: $eval "Some arbitrary LUA expression"
bar: |  # Multiline string
  $eval  -- $eval flag required to trigger LUA parsing
  if env("FRONT_WHEEL",true) then
    return 1.2
    return 2.4

Lua expressions can explicitly return their value, but if no return is given, one will be prepended to the statement.

env + param examples

# in: (SOME_ENV not set)
foo: $eval env("SOME_ENV")
# out:
foo: ""
# in: (SOME_ENV not set)
foo: $eval env("SOME_ENV", false)
# out:
foo: false
# in: (export SOME_ENV=true)
foo: $eval env("SOME_ENV")
# out:
foo: true
# in: (rosparam /test/param not set)
foo: $eval param("/test/param", 0)/2.0
# out:
foo: 0
# in: (rosparam /test/param set to 5.0)
foo: $eval param("/test/param", 0)/2.0 + 1
# out:
foo: 2.5