
Create Model Tutorial

Description: This tutoial provides the information needed to create a model for use in the flatland simulator.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

This tutorial provides step by step instruction on how to create your own model and get it working inside the flatland simulator.

1. Prerequisites

The following tutorials provide a good foundation for understanding the flatland simulator architecture:


2. Getting Started


Flatland includes the Box2d physics engine library.

Box2D is a 2D rigid body simulation library. For the simulation of a robotic cleaner and its environment, the vehicle moves along the floor: it is constrained to translate in only two dimensions.

We take advantage of this fact to simplify the problem of simulating a physical body from six dimensions to three dimensions. Specifically, the vehicle is constrained by gravity to move only in the x-y plane. The vehicle’s rotation is also constrained by the floor to rotate only about the z-axis.

Our 2D approximation of the 3D world uses x, y and theta. The Box2d library is specifically designed for this type of simulation. Flatland provides Box2d with the information needed to setup the 2D simulation including initial position and model properties

3. Box2d Core Concepts

For a complete description of the Box2d core concepts, see the user doccumentation here b2d_docs. This section provides a brief description of the Box2d core concepts that apply to making a model.

shape: A shape is 2D geometrical object, such as a circle or polygon.
rigid body: A chunk of matter that can not be deformed
fixture: A fixture binds a shape to a body and adds material
properties such as density, friction, and restitution.
constraint: A constraint is a physical connection that removes
degrees of freedom from bodies.
joint: This is a constraint used to hold two or more bodies together.
joint limit: A joint limit restricts the range of motion of a joint.
world: A physics world is a collection of bodies, fixtures, and
constraints that interact together

You can create a brand new model in flatland using a model definition yaml file. In that file, you define the Box2d model parameters including the shape, fixtures, joints and limits.

You can also write a plugin and asscociate it with your model. Through the plugin you have access to the Box2d physics engine. So you can do things like apply a force or an impact to any body in your model. You can also get back the new vehicle pose so it can be displayed inside the Flatland world.

3. Yaml Model File Format

- name: base
    type: dynamic
    color: [1, 1, 1, 0.75]
    - type: polygon
        density: 100
        points: [ [-1.03, -0.337],
                [.07983, -0.337],
                [.30, -.16111],
                [.30, .16111],
                [.07983, 0.337],
                [-1.03, 0.337] ]

- name: front_wheel
    color: [1, 1, 1, 0.75]
    - type: polygon
        density: 1.0
        points: [[ 0.0875, -0.0250],
                [ 0.0875,  0.0250],
                [-0.0875, 0.0250],
                [-0.0875, -0.0250]]

- name: rear_left_wheel
    color: [1, 1, 1, 0.75]
    - type: polygon
        density: 1.0
        points: [[ 0.0875, -0.0255],
                [ 0.0875,  0.0255],
                [-0.0875, 0.0255],
                [-0.0875, -0.0255]]

- name: rear_right_wheel
    color: [1, 1, 1, 0.75]
    - type: polygon
        density: 1.0
        points: [[ 0.0875, -0.0255],
                [ 0.0875,  0.0255],
                [-0.0875, 0.0255],
                [-0.0875, -0.0255]]

- type: revolute
    name: front_wheel_revolute
    - name: front_wheel
        anchor: [0, 0]
    - name: base
        anchor: [0, 0]

- type: weld
    name: rear_right_wheel_weld
    - name: rear_left_wheel
        anchor: [0, 0]
    - name: base
        anchor: [-0.83, 0.29]

- type: weld
    name: rear_left_wheel_weld
    - name: rear_right_wheel
        anchor: [0, 0]
    - name: base
        anchor: [-0.83, -0.29]


- type: ModelTfPublisher
    name: tf_publisher
    publish_tf_world: true

- type: TricycleDrive
    name: cleaner_drive
    body: base
    front_wheel_joint: front_wheel_revolute
    rear_left_wheel_joint: rear_left_wheel_weld
    rear_right_wheel_joint: rear_right_wheel_weld
    odom_frame_id: map

- type: Laser
    name: laser_front
    frame: laser_front
    topic: scan
    body: base
    broadcast_tf: true
    origin: [0.28, 0, 0]
    range: 20
    angle: {min: -2.356194490192345, max: 2.356194490192345, increment: 0.004363323129985824}
    noise_std_dev: 0.05
    update_rate: 40