

The laser plugin pushes 2D laser data. It attached to a body of the model with at a specified position and orientation. It can also publish the static TF between the body and the laser if asked to. It publishes sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages.


    # required, specify Laser to load this plugin
  - type: Laser

    # required, name of the laser plugin, must be unique
    name: laser_back

    # optional, default to "scan", topic to publish the laser data
    topic: scan

    # required, name of the body to attach the laser to
    body: base_link

    # optional, default to [0, 0, 0], in the form of [x, y, yaw], the position
    # and orientation to place laser's coordinate system
    origin: [0, 0, 0]

    # optional, default to true, whether to publish TF
    broadcast_tf: true

    # optional, default to name of this plugin, the TF frame id to publish TF with
    # only used when broadcast_tf=true
    frame: laser_back

    # required, maximum range of the laser, minimum range assumed to be zero, in meters
    range: 20

    # optional, default to 0.0, standard deviation of a gaussian noise
    noise_std_dev: 0

    # required, w.r.t to the coordinate system, scan from min angle to max angle
    # at steps of specified increments
    # Scan direction defaults to counter-clockwise but clockwise rotations can be
    # simulated by providing a decrementing angle configuration.
    # e.g. min: 2, max: -2, increment: -0.1 (clockwise)
    angle: {min: -2.356194490192345, max: 2.356194490192345, increment: 0.004363323129985824}

    # optional, default to inf (as fast as possible), rate to publish laser scan messages
    update_rate: .inf

    # optional, default to ["all"], the layers to operate the laser at,
    # lasers only detects objects in the specified layers
    layers: ["all"]

    # optional, invert the mounting orientation of the lidar (default: false)
    # This will invert the laser's body->laser frame TF (roll=PI)
    # And sweep the lidar scan across a field mirrored across its mounted axis
    # (as if you physically mounted the lidar upside down)
    upside_down: false

  # another example
  - type: Laser
    name: laser_front
    body: base_link
    range: 30
    angle: {min: -1.5707963267948966, max: 1.5707963267948966, increment: 1.5707963267948966}
    layers: ["layer_1", "layer_2", "layer_3"]
    update_rate: 100
    noise_std_dev: 0.01