
Flatland ROS Services

Flatland offers means for manipulating the simulation through ROS services. The following are the services offered by the simulator.

Spawning Models

Models can be spawned dynamically after instantiation of the world. The parameters are same as the ones for models in YAML files, all input parameters are required.


string yaml_path           # path to model yaml file
string name                # name of the model
string ns                  # namespace, use "" for no namespace
geometry_msgs/Pose2D pose  # model pose


bool success    # to check if the operation is successful
string message  # error message if unsuccessful

Deleting Models


string name  # name of the model to delete


bool success    # check if the operation is successful
string message  # error message if unsuccessful

Moving Models

After spawning the model in the world, this service can be used to directly set the position and orientation of the vehicle in the global frame.


string name                 # name of the model to move
geometry_msgs/Pose2D pose   # desired new global pose


bool success    # check if the operation is successful
string message  # error message if unsuccessful